
KM 2013

KM 2013 även på Chess Results

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Seriespelet 2013-2014

Allsv Div I Södra
Allsv Div II:7


A short introduction in english

Gamla hemsidan


En liten pärla...
TEMA - Damoffer
VSM 2008


Smålands Schackförbund
Sveriges Schackförbund
Mera länkar...
Vi samarbetar med

Växjö Kommun



PeGe Minibuss
Svenska Schackbutiken, Göteborg

Växjöspelen 2013


Welcome to Växjöspelen 2013!


ProCivitas Privata Gymnasium, Vallgatan 12, Växjö. Map location

Playing mode

Groups of 4, round robin, 3 rounds


Groups according to rating

Time control

40 moves i 2 hours + 30 minutes for remainder of game

B-junior born 97-99: 45 min/player and game
C-junior born 00-02: 30 min/player and game
D-junior born 03- : 20 min/player and game
Round robin, group size depending on number of participants!


Seniors: mementos; 1st and 2nd in each group are rewarded
Juniors: mementos

Schedule Saturday, June 15: Junior B, C och D

Attention! These groups play on Saturday only!

Personal registration at venue 09.30
Games start at 10.00

Schedule Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16: seniors and A-juniors

Personal registration at venue 15.00 on Saturday, June 16
Round 1 starts 16.00 Saturday June 15
Round 2 starts 09.00 Sunday June 16
Round 3 starts 15.00 Sunday June 16

Registration fees

Registration fees are to be payed in to Växjö SK's plusgiro 58 02 94-7 before June 8, 2012. Attention! Write your rating! (If you do not have access to a Swedish bank account, you can pay at day of tournament - please come early)

Seniors: 200:-, A-juniors 100:-, Juniors B, C and D 80:-

Hotel suggestion

Elite Park Hotell, SEK 675 single room Superior, add SEK 150 for double room, breakfast included. Please quote code "Växjöspelen". Phone +46 470 70 22 00.

Information and registration

Håkan Jalling, +46 70 832 95 94
or directly by email to Tobias Gutzmann (gutzmann@gmail.com). Please provide name, birth date, club, and most recent rating.

Preliminary groups

Current list of registered players and preliminary groups can be found here!

Please note that groups can be changed until final drawing when the exact list of participants is known, i.e., until day of competition.